Early Pregnancy

Alfred Road Medical Centre doctors can provide an early pregnancy assessment service to non-acute care for women who have pain and/or bleeding in the first 13 weeks six days of pregnancy.

Early Pregnancy

The goal is to keep you in good health.

For women who have a regular monthly menstrual cycle, the earliest and most reliable sign of pregnancy is a missed period. Sometimes women who are pregnant have a very light period, losing only a little blood. Another way to find out is to use a home pregnancy test to see if you are pregnant.

Some of the other early pregnancy signs and symptoms are listed below. Every woman is different and not all women will notice all these symptoms. It’s common to feel tired, or even exhausted, during pregnancy, especially during the first 12 weeks or so. Hormonal changes taking place in your body at this time can make you feel tired, nauseous, emotional, and upset. You may feel sick, and you may vomit. This is commonly known as morning sickness, but it can happen at any time of the day or night. If you’re being sick all the time and can’t keep anything down, contact us on 03 8363 9333

Alfred Road Medical Centre doctors can provide an early pregnancy assessment service to non-acute care for women who have pain and/or bleeding in the first 13 weeks six days of pregnancy. Some women will require more than one visit before a diagnosis is made. If medical management is required, it is arranged for a subsequent date.

Practice Information

Health Information Privacy -
Our pr
actice regulates the use and disclosure of our patients’ health records. All our patients’ records are confidential and private. We do not disclose personal health information to third parties except in cases where our patients have given written consent, or are at risk of harm and unable to give consent.

  • Patient Feedback

    We welcome feedback on how to improve our services and endeavor to address complaints in a timely manner. Leave your thoughts in our suggestion box located in the waiting room for any comments otherwise, you can email the Practice Manager at [email protected].

    If you have any concerns, please contact the Practice Manager on 03 8336 9333. If your concern remains unresolved you may contact the Health Services Commissioner, Ph: 8601 5200, or ask our receptionist for an ‘Office of the Health Services Commissioner Complaint Form’.

  • Test Results

    To protect your privacy and ensure that all results are managed in accordance with best practice, Test results can be given as a telehealth consultation under certain circumstances following guidelines under the Covid-19 pandemic

    Please ensure a follow-up appointment is made with your GP within 3 days from the date the test is completed you do not need to check your results are available. We operate a notification service for results where you will receive a call/text/letter depending on your preferences.

  • Reminder System

    We will send you a reminder notice from time to time for health check-ups, test results, and services appropriate to your care such as immunization and cervical screen test reminders. If you do not wish to receive any letters or text messages, please notify the receptionist in writing.

  • Immunisation

    We can perform all Immunisations. All Immunisations will be sent to the Australian National Register and are recorded in the patient’s file.

  • Home Visits

    Home Visits may be provided to patients under certain circumstances. Please discuss this with your regular doctor if needed.

  • E-Mails

    For privacy and confidentiality reasons, we ask our patients not to use e-mails to seek medical advice, our info email is available for general inquiries only and can be attended to by our receptionist. Please allow 24 hours for a response to any e-mail inquiry.

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