
Doctors at Alfred Road Medical Centre provide pre-employment medicals and other medical assessments.

Pre-Employment Medical

The goal is to keep you in good health.

The doctors can provide pre-employment medicals and other medical assessments. Pre-employment medical tests must be job-related and assess the candidate’s ability to perform the requirements of the job, not their general state of health.

Employers should provide the doctor conducting the pre-employment medical with specific information about the type of activities the person would be required to undertake in the role. People who use hearing aids, glasses, or other equipment should be allowed to continue to do so during the test.

After the results come through, the employer should advise the candidate of the outcome of the test and ensure that the information is treated with strict confidentiality. Employers cannot refuse to employ a person based on a medical test that discloses a disability that is unrelated to the adequate performance of the job.

Employment medicals may include a medical examination, alcohol and drug testing, vaccinations, and spirometry.

Generally, the potential employer will book the pre-employment medical directly with us and provide the candidate with the details; however, on occasions, the individual may be required to book themselves.

For corporate clients and more in-depth medicals, please

e-mail [email protected]

For all appointments and other inquiries, please contact the friendly reception staff on +613 83369333

Please ensure that you discuss with the reception staff, the duration of the appointment required, what clothing you should wear, fees, and payment methods.

Other types of medicals which can also be conducted include:

  • General pre-employment medicals

For the above medicals (general pre-employment), payment will be required on the day, as well as employment medicals (unless we have an agreement in place with your employer).

Practice Information

Health Information Privacy -
Our pr
actice regulates the use and disclosure of our patients’ health records. All our patients’ records are confidential and private. We do not disclose personal health information to third parties except in cases where patients have given written consent or are at risk of harm and unable to give consent.

  • Patient Feedback

    Alfred Road Medical Centre welcome feedback on how to improve our services and endeavor to address complaints in a timely manner. Leave your thoughts in the suggestion box located in the waiting room for any comments otherwise, you can email the Practice Manager at [email protected].

    If you have any concerns, please contact the Practice Manager on 03 8336 9333. If your concern remains unresolved you may contact the Health Services Commissioner, Ph: 8601 5200, or ask the receptionist for an ‘Office of the Health Services Commissioner Complaint Form’.

  • Test Results

    To protect your privacy and ensure that all results are managed in accordance with best practice, Test results can be given as a telehealth consultation under certain circumstances following guidelines under the Covid-19 pandemic

    Please ensure a follow-up appointment is made with your GP within 3 days from the date the test is completed you do not need to check your results are available. We operate a notification service for results where you will receive a call/text/letter depending on your preferences.

  • Reminder System

    Alfred Road Medical Centre will send you a reminder notice from time to time for health check-ups, test results, and services appropriate to your care such as immunisation and cervical screen test reminders. If you do not wish to receive any letters or text messages, please notify the receptionist in writing.

  • Immunisation

    We can perform all Immunisations. All Immunisations will be sent to the Australian National Register and are recorded in the patient’s file.

  • Home Visits

    Home Visits may be provided to patients under certain circumstances. Please discuss this with your regular doctor if needed.

  • E-Mails

    For privacy and confidentiality reasons, we ask the patients not to use e-mails to seek medical advice, the info email is available for general inquiries only and can be attended to by our receptionist. Please allow 24 hours for a response to any e-mail inquiry.

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